When trying to figure out what approach is best for you, it would be wise to first ask 3 questions:
- Have you been checked for a hiatel hernia? A hiatel hernia (where, under extreme abdominal pressure, a piece of the stomach pops up through the hole in your diaphragm and gets hung there) can cause acid reflux. This is a mechanical problem that may result from pushing during childbirth, straining too hard trying to have a bowel movement because of constipation, or lifting heavy objects. This is a mechanical problem, not a nutritional one. But the symptom relief suggestions below can deal with the reflux episodes when they occur.
- Have you had your gallbladder removed? If you have, a struggle with acid reflux is inevitable. Again, you can follow the symptom relief suggestions below for quick relief when you have an episode, but you can never completely solve the problem since you can’t put your gallbladder back once it is taken out.
- There are certain drugs that promote acid reflux because of the extreme irritation these deadly poisons cause to the digestive tract. The best suggestion there would be to deal naturally with the issue for which you are taking the drug and thus get OFF the drug. Speak to your health care provider before doing this, however.
Being overweight, a poor diet, smoking, particular foods and stress can aggravate this condition so finding stress-relieving activities and eating a healthy diet can help.
For symptom relief when you have an episode, regardless of the root cause, following the suggestions below can help as well. These are simply suggestions based on other peoples testimonies and experiences.For permanent elimination of acid reflux, unless it is caused by a hiatel hernia, missing gallbladder, or drugs that you are taking, follow the Digestive/Colon Health Plan exactly as written for at least 6 months. This addresses the physical root causes of acid reflux.
If you have a hiatel hernia, missing gallbladder, or are taking any acid reflux inducing drug, following this Digestive/Colon Health Plan will still be of tremendous benefit and relief — it is just that it won’t permanently eliminate the problem until those issues are addressed.

For immediate relief, the Chewable Cal Mag is excellent and gives very quick relief. I’ve had several tell me they couldn’t believe how quickly they got relief. Chewable Cal Mag is as effective as either Tums® or Rolaids®, without any of the aluminum salts that are in the national brands.
Of course, Stomach Soothing Complex is very effective, also. Sipping throughout the day on tea made from our Stomach Soothing Complex tea tablets can very effectively prevent acid reflux episodes from occurring.
Stomach Soothing Complex makes a very good tasting tea. I like to take a mug and fill it with Get Clean Water and put it in the microwave till it is almost boiling (about 2 minutes in our machine). Now, with the water very hot, just drop 2 or 3 Stomach Soothing tablets into the water. If the water is good and hot, you don’t need to crush the tablets. They almost effervesce and will be completely dissolved in about 2-3 minutes. Then I add a spoonful of honey and a scoop (heaping tablespoon or so) of Shaklee Performance drink. Delicious!!
Having a good spoon full of Liqui-Lea is also very healing to the esophagus and stomach and will counteract acid reflux.
Natural Solutions for Acid Reflux
Acid Reflux Disease: Symptoms, Causes, Tests and Treatments
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You’re about to learn how to eliminate your acid reflux in five minutes. Using three ingredients you already have in your kitchen.
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Because, not only did heartburn rob me of sleep, ruin my meals and embarrass me with burp and gas outbursts in the worst places.
...it quite nearly killed me!
In the following short video, I will tell you about the six fatal consequences of acid reflux (GERD)...
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It only takes five minutes to make the remedy, so you can enjoy your first sip within minutes from now.
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