How do you know if your vitamin is full of good stuff or full of fillers and binders? What are fillers and binders anyway? They are substances added to the pill or tablet to hold the material together and make them easy to swallow. While some of them are plant based, they aren't a significant source of any nutrient. Many of them aren't even digested by the body, they just pass right through. Basically, they are useless to the body but useful in the forming of the tablet. Your only real benefit from fillers and binders is that you can take the vitamin in a tablet form.
Someone told me the other day two ways to test your vitamins.
1) Put your vitamin in water to see if they dissolve within half an hour. She told me that if they don't dissolve in 30 minutes that they won't dissolve in your stomach.
2) Take that water and bake it at 325*. If black stuff floats to the top during this process, that is indicative of cooked binders and fillers.
I remember being told years ago by a family friend that their dad (or uncle, I forget) worked for the sewer treatment plant in their city. He had told them that he often saw multi-vitamins floating in the sewage water. He would chuckle and say that these poor people had "flushed their money and thought they were getting some kind of benefit." With that in mind, I thought I'd try the test myself today.
The Vitamin Test
* note: The Vita C that I tested is an extended release formula so it is designed to dissolve a little at a time as it passes through the digestive tract. This is why it dissolved differently. *I grabbed a few of my morning vitamins and dropped them into a glass of water. I decided to add a touch of cider vinegar to the water because our stomachs are a very acidic place. I know that the water with a splash of vinegar doesn't really replicate stomach acid, not even close, but that's what I was thinking about as I put this together while eating breakfast.

By the time I turned around after putting the bottles back in the cupboard, they had started to dissolve a little. So I reached for my camera. You can see that the green multi-vitamin shows a spot of light coloring. That's the beginning of the dissolving and you could see multi-colored specks underneath the green coloring.

Just A Few Minutes Into The Test

About 30 Minutes Later
At the end of the test, I noticed that the Vita C was gelatinous, the B Complex was dissolved as was the Vita-Lea. Though they were still sitting together in a clump, they were surely not in the same form they were when I put them into the water. They had indeed dissolved within 30 minutes, less actually.
All Stirred Up

So on to the next step - baking the fluid. I baked the fluid, covered, for about half an hour at 325*. I didn't want the water to evaporate because I was looking for the fillers and binders (if there were any) to bake and float to the surface. Some of the steam escaped but for the most part, the moisture was contained. If you look at the picture you see a dark brown line around the edge of the small pan. I believe that is the contents of the vitamin water baked onto the glass. The kids and I did not spot a single black (or even dark brown) fleck anywhere.
1) The vitamins did indeed dissolve within the expected 30 minutes. In fact, they dissolved much quicker than I originally thought they might. While two of the tablets flaked into tiny pieces, one became a jelly-like substance that continued to dissolve as long as it sat in the water.2) The vitamin water did not yield any black flecks that would indicate binders or fillers, I was told. This fits with the literature about these products - that they are pure and full of "good stuff."
For further reading
The Landmark Study is an impressive study that follows multi-vitamin users (Shaklee and others) for decades and tests the nutrient contents found in their blood. It's a study that shows just how impressive, and wonderful, Shaklee nutritional supplements are.
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