
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Natural Allergy Relief Short Story

I had been told by allergists that it was easier to tell me what I was NOT allergic to than what I was. So I resigned to a life of taking prescription medications, allergy shots that would make me sick, and nasal sprays that were awful. Then, I decided to get cats. Now I know what you’re thinking, "He's allergic to everything ... surely cats are on the list!", and you'd be right. But this time I remembered the Shaklee Alfalfa from my youth and I remembered reading info about Shaklee’s NutriFeron. I went online and ordered these two products. I got the cats. I got my product and started taking it. Then I waited to see what would happen. And here's the best part - Nothing happened!

No sneezing,
No runny nose,
No feeling miserable,
No more prescription medications with nasty side effects.

I can actually live in a house with cats and not have an allergic reaction. It's amazing, to say the least. I don't get that lethargic feeling the medications would cause. I have more energy. I sleep better. Get this.. the only times I feel my allergies kick back up is when I forget to take my Alfalfa and NutriFeron!

I also wanted to let you know I have chosen to build a Shaklee business. After years of working crazy schedules and stressful jobs I decided to take control of my life. I know in my soul that I made the right choice. Just as Dr. Shaklee said years ago, "Your future will be exactly what you decide to make it", I have decided to make a different future for myself. One that includes helping people live better lives. One that allows me to be with my family and friends. One that lets me be myself.
~  Tim Bowden

Find Alfalfa Complex at this link.
Find NutriFeron at this link.

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