
Monday, December 20, 2010

Preparing for Allergy Season

**Originally posted March 4, 2010

While much of the USA is under snow and heavy winter weather, here in the Pacific Northwest we are having an unusually warm and beautiful winter.  Flowers and trees are in bloom already and it's only the first week of March!  While this is a beautiful sight to behold, those of us who suffer with seasonal allergies let out a little groan as we take in the splendor of creation.  Flowers mean pollen and pollen means we don't feel so hot.

Inflammation is a key component of our discomfort during allergy season.  When our bodies are working hard against what it considers and "evil intruder" our bodies naturally increase blood flow to the parts that need the extra help.  With allergies this process results in runny noses, red swollen eyes, sinus pressure and the like.  Sometimes these symptoms are inconvenient, other times they are quite severe.  Inflammation, however, isn't only a problem for allergy sufferers.  Allergies and many autoimmune diseases are directly related to inflammation.

I have written before about how our family has used herbs like Stinging Nettle to help with our allergies, and we've been pleased with that.  Stinging nettle works to reduce inflammation and ease allergy symptoms.  Now we are also implementing an based product into our allergy program. It's called Nutriferon and it's designed to boost the body's natural production of interferon.
  Interferon is a critical component of a healthy immune system.  Below I will re-print an article from Dr. Frank M Painter from Illinios regarding Nutriferon.  For more information about Nutriferon, visit and for some testimonials about Shaklee nutrition products, see these product testimonials.

Seasonal Allergies and Nutriferon by Frank Painter, D.C.

Nutriferon is a unique combination of 4 oriental herbal-preparations, which have a long history of use in reducing inflammation and promoting organ health.

Shaklee funded several research projects with NutriFeron (referred to as Kampo Formula EH0202 in those studies) and found that it was effective in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C (1), that it stimulated the immune system and it’s production of natural interferon, (2), and that it also reduced menopause-related symptoms. (3) This is the only herbal product available that has documented the ability to stimulate natural interferon production.

Significant research has already been published about the 4 herbal constituents of NutriFeron. Let’s review them now:

1. Pumpkin seed extract (Cucurbita moschata)
The Chinese describe this as a new “potential anticancer agent” after using it as an anti-toxin treatment against cancer cells (4). It has also been found by Yamanouchi to aid in suppression of IgE antibody in certain allergic disorders. (5)

2. Safflower flower extract (Carthamus tinctorius)
A recent study found that Safflower extract was protective against brain damage caused by reduced blood supply (as with stroke) (6) and offered “significant neuroprotective effects in rats with focal cerebral ischemic injury as expressed by neurological deficit scores and also reduced the infarct area”. Other research found it to be protective of the liver, since it “demonstrated both anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic activities in liver cells”. (7)

3. Asian Plantain seed extract (Plantago asiatica)
Plantain seed extract is “commonly used as folk medicine in Taiwan for treating infectious diseases related to the respiratory, urinary and digestive tracts”, and was found to “possess abroad-spectrum of anti-leukemia, anti-carcinoma and antiviral activities, as well as activities which modulate cell-mediated immunity”. (8) This makes it a broad-spectrum preventative for many infectious diseases.

4. Japanese Honeysuckle flower extract (Lonicera japonica)

Japanese Honeysuckle flower extract is a “Chinese herbs known to possess anti-inflammatory properties” and “stimulated increased tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) secretion”. (9)

This stimulation of the tumor necrosis factor makes it capable of suppressing the development of cancer cell lines. It also has been demonstrated to reduce damage to the lining of the colon (10) and liver (11) by exhibiting anti-inflammatory effects and inhibition of factors associated with liver degradation. It has been found to be protective of the liver and is considered a therapeutic agent for inflammatory disease in general.

Many of the diseases associated with aging and stress are inflammatory in nature. NurtiFeron is the most-effective natural therapy currently available for stimulating the release of natural interferon and reducing the damaging side effects of inflammation. And it is only available from Shaklee, the leader in innovative nutritional products!

If you are above the age of 12 and you are prone to seasonal allergies, or if you have a weakened immune system, Nutriferon does a great job at strengthening your natural defenses. Once again Shaklee leads the way in prevention.

Yours in health,
Dr. Frank Painter


(1) An Open-label Study of Administration of EH0202, A Health-food Additive, to Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C

(2) A Pilot Study of a Kampo Formula, EH0202, with Intriguing Results for Menopausal Symptoms

(3) Clinical Efficacy of EH0202, a Kampo Formula, on the Health of Middle-aged Women

(4) Purification and characterization of Moschatin, a novel type I ribosome-inactivating protein from the mature seeds of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata), and preparation of its immunotoxin against human melanoma cells

(5) Effects of Celosia argentea and Cucurbita moschata extracts on anti-DNP IgE antibody production in mice

(6) Protective effect of hydroxysafflor yellow A on experimental cerebral ischemia in rats

(7) Anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects of herbal medicine on hepatic stellate cell

(8) In vitro cytotoxic, antiviral and immunomodulatory effects of Plantago major and Plantago asiatica

(9) Anti-inflammatory activity of herbal medicines: inhibition of nitric oxide production and tumor necrosis factor-alpha secretion in an activated macrophage-like cell line

(10) Inhibitory effect of luteolin on TNF-alpha-induced IL-8 production in human colon epithelial cells

(11) Anti-inflammatory effect of the aqueous extract from Lonicera japonica flower is related to inhibition of NF-kappaB activation through reducing I-kappaBalpha degradation in rat liver

Frank M. Painter, D.C.
“The Doc on The Block”

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