
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Vitamin D

We have all learned that vitamins are an essential part of life.  They are micronutrients because our bodies require them in small amounts compared to things like carbohydrates, proteins, fats and water.  Vitamins are a significant part of our good health because they regulate metabolism and are part of how our processes our food to release the energy within it.  Vitamins are either soluble in water or fat.  Water-soluble vitamins must be brought into the body daily because they are not stored in the body but pass through the body within hours.  Fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body, usually in the body's fatty tissues.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that has properties of both a vitamin and a hormone and it is required for the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus.  It is necessary for growth and development, protects against muscle weakness and is involved in regulating the heartbeat.  It is also important in the prevention and treatment of breast and colon cancers, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and hypocalcemia; enhances immunity; and is necessary for thyroid function and normal blood clotting.  Researchers have discovered that dark-skinned people and people living in the upper third of the continental United States and Canada cannot produce enough Vitamin D from exposure to sunlight which makes Vitamin D supplementation necessary.  You can take a quick quiz to see if you are getting enough Vitamin D.  Benefits of Vitamin D include a reduction in the risk of colon polyps and prostate cancer, less coronary artery disease and a decreased chance of developing type 1 diabetes, plus increased muscle strength and coordination along with higher bone strength.  Deficiencies can cause rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults as well as loss of appetite, a burning sensation in the mouth or throat, diarrhea, insomnia, visual problems, and weight loss.  Cholesterol lowering drugs, antacids, mineral oil and steroid hormones interfere with Vitamin D absorption.  It is critical that Vitamin D be taken with Calcium, so be sure that your natural supplement includes calcium as well. 

Supplementation is important today because while we were created to get all the nutrients we need for healthy lives through our food, our commercialized food supply today does not provide the same volume of important nutrients that it once did.  Due to poor commercial farming practices, depleted soils and premature harvesting, our produce is not as nutritious as Grandma's produce was.  It is important that we supplement our diets with food based supplements because our bodies don't appreciate synthetic copy-cats.  In addition, we spend a lot more time indoors today than we used to and so we just don't get out into the sun as often as our bodies need us to.

Shaklee's Vitalizer®  is the result of fifty years of research and based on 12 Shaklee clinical studies. With 80 bio-optimized clinically proven nutrients, Vitalizer provides the best spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, anti-aging phytonutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics.*

VitaLea® multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplements are food based supplements that provide 23 essential vitamins and minerals at clinically proven levels for optimal health.  VitaLea is the multi that is contained in the Vitalizer pack. Taken daily, Vita-Lea promotes overall health and wellness and supports long-term colon, heart, and eye health, and strengthens the immune system.

Add some sunshine to your day with Vita-D3™! Recent research shows that vitamin D—the "sunshine vitamin"—offers a multitude of benefits including supporting healthy heart function, immune and bone health. But, up to 80% of Americans may have insufficient levels of this essential nutrient. Boost your level of vitamin D with Shaklee Vita-D3. The perfect choice for overall health and well-being, Vita-D3 provides 1,000 IU of high potency vitamin D3 and Calcium to help your body thrive!


1 comment:

  1. Variations in the vitamin D receptor gene may influence the clinical effects of low vitamin D levels in some chronic diseases, researchers found. vitamin D benefits
