
Monday, May 2, 2011

ShakleeBaby Products Are Safe, Pure and Gentle For Baby, And For You!

Here's another unsettling reminder that dangerous chemicals are routinely found in supermarket shampoos, moisturizers, shaving and cleansing gels, tanning solutions, pharmaceuticals, and even your toothpaste. Opt out today with safe and pure Shaklee products!

Top Class Actions announced on April 22, 2010 this:
Johnson & Johnson and Wal-Mart Sued for Selling Toxic Baby Shampoo
By Sarah Pierce

If you purchased Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Shampoo or Wal-Mart brand Equate Tearless Baby Wash, you may want to stop using it. A class action lawsuit has been approved this month that claims these products may contain a toxin linked to cancer.
The class action lawsuit, filed earlier this year, accuses Johnson & Johnson and Wal-Mart Stores of selling shampoo and baby wash that allegedly contains methylene chloride, an ingredient banned by the FDA in cosmetics because it’s linked to cancer. The law firm that filed the lawsuit is also investigating Target’s Night-time Bath and Body Wash, which is not currently named in the suit.

A third Johnson & Johnson plant is now also under investigation for alleged quality concerns. The new Johnson & Johnson plant is one that manufactures Pepcid and Mylanta among other products. You can read the details on that investigation at Legafi.

So what is a safe and healthy alternative to store bought baby wash and shampoo?  ShakleeBaby! 
The ShakleeBaby product line includes:
  • Gentle Wash that is naturally gentle, pH balanced and sensitivity tested. 76% organic, 99% natural.
  • Soothing Lotion, a natural, light, soothing lotion. 87% organic, 99% natural
  • Diaper Cream that helps treat and prevent diaper rash, helps seal out wetness, and protects chafed skin attributable to diaper rash.
  • Massage Oil that is perfect for massaging your baby or moisturizing after bath.  99% organic, 99% natural.
  • MulitVitamin & MultiMineral Powder which is a comprehensive supplement with 23 essential vitamins and minerals and extra vitamin D that you can add to a bottle or a sippy-cup very easily.

 If you would like to start using ShakleeBaby products in your home, follow the links above to find out more and to place an order or contact me at this link and I will help you along in the process.

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