
Monday, January 17, 2011

COPD & Macular Degeneration Improvement!

 Roy, has been on VIVIX, Vitalizer, NutriFeron, extra OptiFlora, and Cinch a little over 4 months. His lung capacity has increased to the point that he no longer needs supplemental oxygen, nor does he need a nebulizer. All that equipment has been removed from his home. His three Doctors have demanded to talk with me. Also his macular degeneration has improved dramatically …. he went from not being able to see anything out of one eye, and had to use magnification to see anything out of the other eye, to being able to see out of both eyes, able to read the TV screen, & read books in normal print. Needless to say, this 82 year old man is very excited about Shaklee.

The other COPD customer has improved so much in three weeks on VIVIX, Vitalizer and NutriFeron that his wife called me yesterday -- so excited because for the first time in years he is climbing stairs, running errands for her, cooking on the grill (despite the smoke), and agreeing to go to parties and be with people again. His sense of humor has come back. He got on a ladder and put up her flag for 9/11. She was ecstatic. You see, she is 68 and she married a younger man of 58 and was watching him slowly disappear.

~ by Debbie Garrison

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