Returning to the ancient paths of health, wellness and stewardship of G-d's amazing creation.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Moms At Home Making A Difference. . . and a lot of money!
What is Project MAHMA?
Project MAHMA (Moms At Home Making A Difference) is a global coalition of successful people supporting moms (and dads) in being able to stay home with their kids. It is an income opportunity for moms (and dads) who want to earn an income while working around their families schedules. We offer complete training and support to help you be successful.
Did you know that there are an estimated 5.2 million stay-at-home moms? And, there are even more moms who would like to be stay at home moms. With the average woman earning $400 a month and putting half back into daycare, Project MAHMA believes we can do better than that.
How does it work?
The business model is really quite simple. It's as simple as changing where you shop, and finding others who will do the same.
Consider what it could mean to re-direct your spending, which is simply changing brands, from where you are currently buying certain products to purchasing them from your own Shaklee store. After all, if you owned a book store, would you go across the street to buy books? Of course not. This concept works because you are changing where you shop for products that are not only just as good as, but even better than, what you can find at your favorite supermarket. You will save money, improve your health, and help to make less of an environmental impact. All of the claims about the products in the written material and the company websites are clinically proven and best of all, the products have a 100% money back guarantee.
Changing brands is the start to an income that will make it possible for you to be at home with your family.
By using $135.00 - $150.00 in product each month you earn 100 points, similar to the way airlines give you air miles. Remember, you are already buying those items from your favorite supermarket. Now, you are going to buy from yourself at your own Shaklee store. You can show others how they can do the same thing. Once you get started, your friends can earn the same income plus have the same benefits you are working toward.
When you have 100 in points and find 6 other moms who also want to be at home with their children, you then add your 100 points to their 600 for a total of 700 points and then the company will pay you $150.00 in bonuses. So if you spent $150.00 and you just earned $150.00 your products are now free. If you did this in your first month, your products could be free from then on.
Those 6 mothers probably know others who want to be at home too. When each one passes this business model on to 6 other moms who also want to be at home, you now have 43 families using the products. Your bonus from the company will be about $2,000.00! Compare that with the income many mothers earn today minus the extra clothes, travel expenses, and fast foods not to mention childcare. More than just the income, compare the time you've been able to be home with your family and "work" when it's convenient for your family with a typical job.
To keep following the model presented above, the potential to earn even more and contribute substantially to the household finances happens when each of those moms (of the 43 above) each find 6 more who want to be at home and bring in extra money for the family as well. Once that happens, your income will be around $15,000.00 a month. That is an ideal model that won’t work perfectly, but what if you bring in $8,000 - $10,000 a month. Would that make a difference for your family? What if you only brought in $1,500 or $2,000 a month? What would be sufficient for your family? It's up to you, you decide how much you would like to earn and how much "work" you're willing to put toward that goal.
What did you do to earn the income mentioned above? You redirected your spending (Remember— you changed brands, changed where you shop) and show others how to do the same thing. Like I said, it's a simple model. It's a model that works, and is working well for many other Moms At Home Making A Difference.
I invite you to come and join us and be a part of our Shaklee family. Catch the vision of this “Great Gift” and chance to make a difference in a BIG way for your family and even see all your dreams come true.
"But I'm a homeschooling mom!"
Great! Some of us are too! Admittedly, we don't have the time other moms may have while their children are in school. However, we can still manage our time so that we have time to build a business. And, the great thing is that we can include our children in running the business, and teach them business skills at the same time. It is possible.
If you're interested in joining me in this venture, or learning more, visit my Project MAHMA website. I'd love to have you join me, or even just to answer some of your questions. No pressure, "No" is an acceptable answer if you decide that this isn't an opportunity for you after you've taken a closer look.
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