
Monday, December 20, 2010

Deworming Livestock with Shaklee's Basic H®

I have heard that some people have had great success deworming their livestock by adding classic Basic H® to the animals water.  We've toyed with the concept a few times but to be honest, we don't really have a parasite problem in our cattle and the pasture rotation in the sheep pens seems to have taken care of the major parasite problem we had in the past (that and culling out the ones that seemed to always have some sort of parasite problem, no matter what we did).  Still, this time of the year we want our animals to be 'clean' when they enter the winter pasture where they will reside for the next 6 months.

Recently I set out to find out more about using the classic Basic H® with our livestock.  It's hard to say exactly why it would work.  Basic H® is made from natural ingredients, but it's a proprietary blend and the exact ingredients aren't public knowledge.  One of it's interesting properties is that "it makes water wetter", so that the water is more easily absorbed and utilized.  Basic H® was designed as a cleaning product but has come to be used for so much more than just cleaning.  For example:  cleaning glass, removing wallpaper, removing insecticide and 'stuff' from fruit and vegetables, emulsifies grease in plumbing pipes, insect repellant, to the removal of skunk 'scent' when a fateful encounter has taken place.  Seriously.  All these and more are incredible uses that people have found for Basic H®.  And because Basic H® is a concentrate, you only need to mix a few drops with a lot of water to produce amazing results.

The first thing to know is that there are two Basic H formulas:  Classic Basic H® and a new formula, Basic H2®.  The classic formula is the old formula that has been approved for use with animals.  The new formula has not yet been approved for animal use, though the few people I have spoken with who have used it with their animals have said that they don't see any difference between the two products.  Even still, it's probably best to use the classic formula with animals for now.

In the book Salad Bar Beef by Joel Salatin the author says he uses Basic H® to deworm his animals.
Others have said they use this method as well but not very many have had written books or gained the recognition that Joel Salatin has.  While I have not read this book I was able to come across a few different dosage recommendations online.  Often I read that Mr Salatin uses "a few drops in a water trough" or "a little bit" but this is rather vague.  One site recommended 1/8 to 1/4 cup of Basic H® per 20 gallons of water.  I didn't see anywhere that said how long the treatment is for or how often.  I'm thinking that with our herd, we'll try the 1/8 cup to the 20 gallons of water and I think we'll do this for 5 to 7 days.  Since we don't seem to have a heavy parasite load in our animals, I don't expect we'll need a long course.  But we'll be observing the animals very closely to see if we need to stop sooner or if we need to continue longer.

Some have expressed a concern that Basic H® might not be safe for the animals.  I'm not concerned about that at all.  I've heard of people drinking Basic H and Basic G (the germicide) on accident, calling poison control and being assured that nothing at all will happen to them.  These people have been amazed that they never had even a stomach ache (other than their own nerves!) and never felt ill at all.  If it's safe enough for human consumption (though it's not at all recommended), I'm confident it's safe enough for animals too.  Besides, I know people who have used it with their animals and they know other people who have done the same and so far, no stories of negative effects.

Being a Shaklee distributor, I have my own Shaklee store where you can find pricing information for both the Classic Basic H® and the Basic H2® as well as all of the other products that Shaklee has to offer.


  1. Salatin recommends a little over 1 cup in a 100 gallon water trough. (Per his book Salad Bar Beef)

  2. do you need to purchase BASIC H, I am a distributor.

    1. yes hi can you tell me about this product please.. am working in a goat farm and am interesting about this

  3. Does the basic H2 work the same as the classic basic H? ...what happens if I put a few drops more to my goats water?

  4. I accidently drank some basic h last night, full strength. I can tell you that it certainly does give you a stomach ache and a sore throat and makes you throw up. The way it foams up in your stomach, I can see it potentially rupturing your stomach. After reading this info about worming, I will be interested to see what comes out (if I live that long).

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  6. Hello
    I'd there any New info on Basic H2 mixing for goats?
