
Monday, December 20, 2010

The Benefits Of Using A Water Filter

A while ago I shared an article that discussed bottled water vs tap water.  The gist was that buying bottled water adds to waste in our environment, costs more than gasoline, and has a rather large 'carbon footprint'.  I am that we have worked to eliminate plastics from our lifestyle.  Currently we use either glass bottles or stainless steel water bottles to bring our water with us wherever we go.  Using a water filter and a reusable water bottle is not only cheaper, but it doesn't have the health risks that plastics contribute to our lives and I don't have to think of "garbage island" if I forget to recycle one of the bottles.

While tap water is regulated and held to higher safety standards than bottled water, it's still important to learn about what is in our water.  There are things in our water that simply aren't beneficial to our bodies.  Tap water may look clean and pass the minimum standards of testing but a study conducted by the Environmental Working Group found more than 300 pollutants in drinking water in over 45 states.  Adding to the water pollution concern, consider what new chemicals are created when additives are introduced at the water treatment plant and what is picked up in the water after it leaves the treatment plant and travels through potentially corroded or damaged pipes.  Filtering your tap water is highly recommended. 

Disinfection by-products can form when chemicals used by local water utilities to kill water-borne microorganisms react with elements that sometimes may be present in the water.

Heavy metals, including lead, are commonly present in pipes and can end up in your drinking glass. Even "lead-free" pipes are no exception; they can actually contain up to 8% lead.

Agricultural pollutants not only threaten fish and wildlife, they can affect your health. One common pesticide to watch out for is atrazine. Although banned in Europe, over 70 million pounds of atrazine are currently used on farms across the United States.

Industrial pollutants are prevalent in urban areas. One example of an industrial pollutant is benzene; up to 6 million pounds of this toxic chemical are released in the U.S. every year.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to determine that these are not good things to have in our drinking water - not for you, not for me, not for children, not for pets and not even for house plants.

Shaklee has introduced a water filtration system that is certified to reduce 99% of the lead found in tap water, as well as 32 other contaminants.  Brita®, PUR® and others are not certified to reduce that much lead nor quite the array of contaminants.  The water pitcher itself is made from food safe, BPA-free plastic and each filter is made from sustainable coconut shell carbon using a zero emission process. Plus, it’s the first pitcher with a refillable carbon-block filter system, so there’s less waste going to the landfills.

Filtering your tap water has many benefits beyond removing "that smell" or "that taste" from your tap water:
  1. Water filters are cheaper than bottled water and better for the environment.
  2. Point-of-use water filters reduce lead and other pollutants prior to consumption.
  3. Water filters greatly reduce the risk of rectal cancer, colon cancer, and bladder cancer by removing chlorine and chlorine byproducts from drinking water.
  4. A solid block carbon water filter can selectively remove dangerous contaminants from drinking water while retaining healthy mineral deposits that balance the pH of drinking water.
  5. Water filters reduce the risk of gastrointestinal disease by more than 33 percent by removing cryptosporidium and giardia from drinking water.
  6. Water filters offer the last line of defense between the body and the over 2100 known toxins that may be present in drinking water.

To find out more about the Get Clean Water filtration system you can visit my Shaklee store or contact me through this link.

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