
A Green Clean

Get Clean: Safe. Powerful. Smart. Green. 

We believe the home should be the safest place in the whole world.

Today there are over 75,000 registered chemicals, with only a fraction that have been tested for human health concerns. And of the household chemicals tested so far, many have been found to be toxic.

Now more and more studies are showing a correlation between toxic household cleaners and the rise in children’s asthma and learning disabilities.

Go to your cupboard right now. Pick a cleaner, any cleaner. Does it contain chlorine, phenol, ammonia, or formaldehyde? These—and more—are considered toxic. Toxic as in dangerous, as in hurtful, as in not very clean at all.

Our homes are no place for dangerous chemicals. We have control over what comes across our thresholds, so start by getting rid of those toxic troublemakers. Responsibly, of course, by taking them to a place in your community where dangerous chemicals are disposed of properly. Then call in Get Clean®. When you welcome Get Clean® into your home, none of those hazardous things come with it. That’s because there are ZERO ingredients in Get Clean products that are hazardous to humans! So you can be sure you're letting in products that care as much about your family's safety as you do.

Get Clean® has quickly risen to become the #1 green cleaning line in the U.S. Get Clean has received accolades in many major magazines, TV shows, books and blogs. Including being one of Oprah Winfrey’s favorite things.

What makes Get Clean so fantastic is that it was created based on a few simple beliefs:

Safe. We believe home should be the safest place in the whole world. Did you know that many everyday cleaning products are designated as household hazardous waste and are recommend to be disposed of at your local chemical waste disposal center? All the Get Clean products are non-toxic, hypoallergenic, with no harmful fumes, and no harmful chemicals. Get Clean is the safe choice for you and your family.

Powerful. We believe you shouldn’t have to sacrifice powerful convictions for powerful cleaners. And vice versa. Today you don’t have to choose between harsh chemical cleaners that aren’t environmentally friendly indoors or out, or other eco-friendly cleaners that don’t clean well. Get Clean has been proven to outperform 12 national brands. And if you don't think Get Clean products work better than the other cleaners you've gotten used to, we'll give you your money back.

Green. We believe cleaning house shouldn’t involve dirtying the earth. Get Clean uses sustainably sourced natural ingredients, biodegradable surfactants, recyclable packaging, and ZERO chemicals that are harmful to the planet. And when you buy the Get Clean Starter Kit instead of the stuff you probably buy, you keep 108 pounds of packaging waste out of landfills and you eliminate 248 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions.

Smart. We believe in saving you money while we go about saving the earth. Did you know that when you buy some common cleaners, a lot of what you're buying is water? We figured out a long time ago that we could make a more economical cleaner by making it concentrated. That's why Get Clean™ is such an awesome value. You'd have to shell out more than $3,400 at the grocery store to get the same amount of clean you get in the Get Clean Starter Kit!

Finally we want to share that by switching to eco-friendly Get Clean cleaners you’re going to have superior cleaning performance and without any obnoxious smells that many of us had accepted as part of the “clean” experience. Get Clean has been tested to outclean 11 National brands! So chances are you’ll find Get Clean products clean even better than what you’re using now.

Non-toxic. Totally Green. Cleans better. Concentrated to save you money (see the Get Clean Cost Comparison). What’s not to love about Get Clean! To start switching your home into a healthy, non-toxic Get Clean home.

The easiest way to make the switch is to purchase the Get Clean Starter Kit. There are several to choose from. You’d have to spend more than $3400 to get the equivalent cleaning power in the complete Get Clean Starter Kit!

Dr. Kim says:

I initially started using the Shaklee cleaning products because they are cost effective, safe for the environment but most importantly THEY WORK better than any other products I’ve used. I still have 1/4 left in the original bottle purchased almost 4 years ago.